Geopolotics, global interconnectivity and ManWeekend

The two maps above represent some data from Google Analytics. The map on the top was from around the same time last year, the one on the bottom is recent. Clearly there is a trend in that we don't have as many international visitors that find their way to the MW site from other countries. But why? It's counter-intuitive because there is certainly more content on the site, and the way natural searches work with Google, it would follow that the MW site would be more popular. It could be that the global recession tied to an under current of anti-captitlist sentiment is fueling doubts in smaller nations' own backyards-making them focus on local geopolitical events as opposed to those going on overseas. Or it could be that Obama's popularity on a global scale is drawing attention away from smaller, grassroots organizations and events. Or it could be that MWknd could be on an FBI, Homeland Security and Martha Stewart watch list because of its outward grubby militia like appearance.
Or, it could be that no on really understands the true beauty of the bacon-47.


  1. Sad, but MW is HUGE in Algeria! and Turkey, which is slightly disturbing...

  2. ...all that stuff could be true (though I got dizzy reading it)...or Google analytics could be broken.


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