Big plans... oh yeah.

As you already know, the MWnd crest was carefully and deliberately created in nearly six and a half minutes while sitting on a toilet. And in each quadrant of the crest are critical pieces of the MWnd experience; howling at the moon, meat eating, guns and drinking and golf. Yes, there is a disconnect. In our lust for the feeling "Old Bangy" gives you after you pull the trigger, the ugly stepchild golf has simply taken a backseat. Of course in evolution, things must change. The fact we don't have beaks or prehensile penis's anymore is a testament to Darwinian ideals. The key concept of "the mountain provides" has kept us on the mountain for the entire weekend with good reason. But I feel a great injustice has been done. Heading to the golf course and being humiliated by wearing angel wings or monkey tits is a deeply solemn and sacred tradition. So we are attempting to bring it back. There is talk to get to the mountain either Thursday night or Friday morning, so we can get in a round before things truly begin Friday evening. I understand change is difficult, especially for a bunch of fast approaching middle aged men who now have carved a canyon of routine into your lives. But, I think change is good. I'd love to hear what you'all think of this brave new idea.


  1. sounds good to me. i always thought man weekend was too short anyway.

  2. I want a t-shirt with the man weekend crest! Can we commission one? I'm willing to kick in. Just so long as you don't use the company that made the giant MW cups. XXL would come out as a shirt that would fit Damian snugly...


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