
In the immortal words of Jack Donaghy

I'll drink to that

Man Down

MWnd: More Taepo Dongs than Necessary?

If only there were rattler's in the Catskills.

Exploding vegetables

New Prototype for MWIX t-shirts.


It's getting colder... that's whiskey weather!

I like people who drink beer, like beer and think about beer

Finally a practical iPhone app for MEN...

What if George Dickel met The Macallan?

Beer in Space

Mixologist take note

An ostrich of a different jerky

It can be done.....

Fashionable Meat?

Culinary genius

One man's quest of the half-assed...

I know it looks good....

More whisky news.

NYC, the center of the whiskey making world

First whiskey as whiskey as fuel?

Badass Beer

Nine ManWeekends

The Full Set

Damian take heed. Man accidentally shoots himself in testicles | Seattle Times Newspaper

If Only Insane Clown Possie Knew About Flying Fish

If you've haven't heard the original....

Touring with the band

Triple meat with eggs. Sans plate

How many times do I have to say I'm not a dictator...

To be seen on runways in New York. Paris. Rome. Tokyo.

Here's Cassidy

Seriously, where's Cassidy?

J. Pant

Mansized eggs

C2- Loinmaster



Boobie at MW

Plumber Pant

He Likes It

Where is this?

Pix and Links


Bullets make art

The way of the Pete


Sith Lord


Basting his juicy, hot loin


Big man, big gun.

Herr Doktor

Censored to protect the not so innocent

X-men at MW

Double Meat