Thoughts on what is manly

It is Monday evening -- after speaking with Tim (see his earlier post)-- and I am thinking about what Man Weekend means to me – a distinctly unmanly and anti-Man Weekend undertaking. I am drinking beer which is, of course, manly, but I am also making baby food, which doesn’t even show up on the “things that are not manly” scale. There is such a scale. Things like text messaging and watching awards shows are on it. So, I’m standing there blending carrots in the food processor and “overindulgent” comes to mind – in itself an unmanly word, though accurately used to describe Man Weekend. In fact, it seems that language itself is somewhat unmanly. Go ahead, grunt your approval if you agree. So, language may be unmanly, yet one of my favorite memories from Man Weekend is of Steve standing by the fire reciting “Howl” a classic of beat poetry, written by a gay man and peppered with homo-erotic imagery -- hmmmmm?…. NOT very manly.


  1. You could argue that gay men are pretty manly. Almost too much so.


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