Themes. It's been running around my head these past few days. Since MWnd has started themes have gone from undefined to very defined and back to hybrid somewhere between the two. In no particular order we've had themes regarding the gunfight, whiskey fight, facial hair, the weakening economy, golf, the recession and stripping everything down so we don't need utensils or plates. Yes, it's a virtual cornucopia of themes. So, where do we go from here? I think it's pretty obvious. The theme is everything. Past. Present. Future. So, bring your best whiskey to take out the reigning champ, Powers. Start growing your beard, start shooting at raccoons in your backyard, tune your guitar, bake a gun cake, go find your best beef jerky, think of ingredients to put in a pie iron and begin drinking beer, cuz this time around it's all on the table.


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