Once again MW has passed and it was glorious. In the next few days I will be posting lots of pictures and even a MW first, video with sound. Something we never had because, well, no one knew how to operate a camera. But what I truly want to talk about is the truths, the things that I came to realize through this weekends events.
First. Care for the brand. MW is about sitting around that particular firepit on that particular hill burning shit. That is the begining and the end. The alpha and the omega. The brand of MW.
Third. Work is good. I realize that it sounds like a communist manifesto, but it was an amazing help to get the wood, the mower and deal with the garage. Truly. And it seems to me that the balance of some kind of work, with some kind of reward just makes the reward sweeter.
Fourth. The mountain provides. There is no reason to leave for golf or any other reason. (except for beer and a bag of chips) It is all there.
Fifth. Temperance on Friday night helps make Sat all the better.
Sixth. Dope!
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